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PC Repairs

We Fix All Devices, All Problems

Get your device repaired in just three easy steps

Virus Removal

PC’s can get viruses from various sources, often times they come up as popup messages and install on your computer without the user ever noticing. Luckily, a Smart Fix technician can get your computer back to its original self in notices with our virus removal program. Removing viruses from your computer can increase speed and will protect your data. It is important to install a good anti-virus software to prevent future issues.
Virus Removal

Tune Up

After continued use, your computer will eventually slow down. At Smart Fix we can clean any issues within your software that may be hindering the overall performance of your computer. If your computer is running slower, we advise bringing it to Smart Fix for a Tune-up service, which will increase the overall speed of your computer.

Windows installation

When installing a new hard drive users must reinstall the windows operating system. At Smart Fix we can re-install your windows for whatever reason. We can also upgrade/or downgrade your current windows to the version that you prefer.
Software Service Pack

Software Service Pack

When buying a new computer they often come with lots of software that are not essential for your computer. Our software pack is made of software picked for the average PC user. You can pick and choose what software you want on your computer, so that your computer is tailored to your preforances.